Приватно: Best slopes are above 2,000m in Méribel
There has been a lack of significant new snow in the Alps but existing snow has held well in the relatively cold conditions. Last night 5cm of new snow was fairly widespread, however, up to 45cm of new snow is…
Block 4
Block 5
Приватно: Watch extracts from the Scottish Ensemble and Andersson Dance’s Goldberg Variations
Goldberg Variations – tenary patterns for insomnia is a collaboration between Glasgow-based string orchestra Scottish Ensemble and Swedish-based contemporary dance company Andersson Dance. 11 musicians and five dancers have created a new interpretation of Bach’s keyboard work in which both…
Приватно: Snow Climbing Mount Fuji
Climbing Mount Fuji (3776 meters), Japan’s highest and most prominent mountain, can make for lifelong memories. The mountain itself may look more attractive from afar than from close up, but the views on clear days and the experience of climbing…
Block 6
Ријека Мат, Етничка граница Србије и Албаније ,Чамерије
Питање граница представља важан аспекат свих облика идентитета, укључујући државни, индивидуални, етнички, вјерски, културолошки и лингвистички. У том контексту, географски топоними често служе као референтне тачке за прецизно дефинисање и уважавање граница. Често су ове границе одређене природним елементима као…